(2024) New Brazilian Plan for AI

The Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan (PBIA) 2024-2028, launched during the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation, represents a historic milestone for Brazil’s technological development. With an expected investment of R$23 billion over four years, the ambitious plan aims to turn the country into a world reference in innovation and efficiency in the use of artificial intelligence, especially in the public sector.

PBIA seeks to develop AI solutions that significantly improve the population’s quality of life, optimizing the delivery of public services and promoting social inclusion. To achieve these goals, the plan envisages the creation of a high-performance supercomputer, essential for processing large volumes of data and developing advanced AI algorithms.

As the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation pointed out, artificial intelligence represents a real technological revolution and Brazil needs to be at the forefront of this movement. The PBIA, together with initiatives such as the LNCC’s Artificial Intelligence Institute, aims to ensure that the country is a protagonist in this global scenario, generating jobs, promoting innovation and building a more prosperous future for all.

One of the key initiatives to boost AI research and development in Brazil is the Artificial Intelligence Institute at the LNCC (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing). This institute, focused on applied research, will act as a catalyst for the creation of innovative AI solutions, strengthening the national scientific community and promoting collaboration with international institutions.

(Traduction from LNCC article: https://www.gov.br/lncc/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/ultimas-noticias-1/plano-brasileiro-de-inteligencia-artificial-pbia-2024-2028)

New website for LNCC AI Institute : https://ai.lncc.br/

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