Hybrid workshop Inria-Brasil on Digital Health (2-3 April 2025)

Inria-Brasil is an international strategic partnership with LNCC and major Brazilian universities, pursuing high-quality research in digital science and applied mathematics (with special focuses on HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing and Data Science). Within Inria-Brasil, we organize thematic workshops (in hybrid mode) with the aim of bringing together Inria and Brazilian researchers working on the same theme to foster new collaborations. This workshop on digital health will feature scientific presentations from French and Brazilian teams, introductions of ongoing projects, and conduct a panel to discuss international cooperation on digital health.



Hybrid workshop: online and at UNICAMP, center BIOS, Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil

Organization committee

Brazil: Rodolfo Pacagnella (Unicamp), Marcel Pedroso (Fiocruz), Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte (Unicamp), Frédéric Valentin (LNCC)

Inria: Christine Azevedo, Michel Dojat, Claire Saint-Léger, Patrick Valduriez.


São Paulo time / Paris time

Wednesday 2 April 2025

08:30 -> 09:00 / 13h30 -> 14h00


09:00 -> 09:30/ 14h00 -> 14h30

Keynote session: Michel Dojat, STATIFY team, INSERM and Inria at Univ Grenoble:

Inria: a major player in digital health

09:30 -> 10:50/ 14h30 -> 15h50

Session 1: Signals & Image analysis

  • André Kazuo Takahata, Universidade Federal do ABC:

Deep Image Prior for Imaging Methods

  • Marco Lorenzi, EPIONE team, Inria at Univ Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis: Multimodal medical image analysis for disease progression modeling
  • João Florindo, Unicamp:

Self-supervised deep learning in aiding medical image diagnosis

  • Miguel Angel Fernandez Varela, COMMEDIA team, Inria at Sorbonne Univ and CNRS:

Overview of the research activities of COMMEDIA project-team

10:50 -> 11:20/ 15h50 -> 16h20


11:20 -> 13h/ 16h20 -> 18h

Session 2: Applications

  • Christine Azevedo Coste, CAMIN team, Inria at Univ Montpellier:

Neuroprosthetic-based assistive solutions for sensorimotor impairments

  • Anatole Lécuyer, SeamLess team, Inria at Univ Rennes:

Designing healthcare systems based on virtual and augmented reality technologies

  • Raquel de Boni, Fiocruz:

Public and Digital Mental Health

  • Hui Yin Wu, BIOVISION team, Inria at Univ of Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis: Towards synergistic solutions for visually-impaired people and artificial vision

13h -> 14h30 / 18h -> 19h30


14h30 -> 15h / 19h30 -> 20h

Keynote session: Naomar Almeida Filho, Universidade Federal do Bahia:

Digital Health as an Object and a Field

15h -> 16h / 20h-> 21h

Session 3: Landscape

  • Patrick Valduriez, Iroko team, Inria at Univ Montpellier:

The Inria-Brasil Strategic Partnership

  • Raquel Requena Rachid, Universidade do São Paulo

Digital Health policy under platformization: the Brazilian digital landscape in the international panorama

  • Marcel Pedroso, Fiocruz:

Data Science Platform applied to Health (PCDaS)

16h -> 16h40 / 21h-> 21h40

Session 4: Data science

  • Paula Dornhofer Paro Costa, Unicamp:
  • Harnessing Multimodal Data Processing and Reasoning for Future Health Technologies
  • (TBC) Marcelo Fornazin, Fiocruz:

Data science methods applied to health surveillance

Thursday 3 April 2025

São Paulo time / Paris time

09:00 -> 09:30/ 14:00-> 14:30

Keynote session BR:  Rodolfo de Carvalho Pacagnella, Unicamp:

Title TBC

09:30 -> 10:30/ 14h30 -> 15h30

Session 5: Personalised medicine

  • Julie Josse, PREMEDICAL team, INSERM and Inria at Univ Montpellier: Personalized care through causal learning: from data to decisions
  • Helene Leman, CASTING team, Inria at Univ Lyon, Lyon:

Mathematical modelling of the emergence of cancer mutations and resistant mutations

  • François Bally, CAMIN team, Inria at Univ Montpellier:

Towards Human in-the-loop Algorithms for Assistive Devices Control

10:30-11h/ 15h30 -> 16h


11h -> 12h/ 16h -> 17h

Session 6: AI and health

  • Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, Unicamp:

Ethical and Responsible AI in Healthcare

  • Alexandre Chiavegatto, USP:

AI for a Diverse Country: How to Adapt Algorithms for All Realities of Brazilian Healthcare

  • Edson Amaro, Hospital Albert Einstein:

Experience in developing and adopting Artificial Intelligence solutions in intra- and extra-hospital environments.

12h -> 13h/ 17h -> 18h

Session 7: Brain

  • Demian Wasserman, MIND team, Inria at Paris Saclay Univ, Saclay:

From neuroimaging to cognition, AI-based predictive models to improve our understanding of the human brain

  • Fabrizzio de Vico, NERV team, Inria at Paris Sorbonne Univ (Paris Brain Institute ICM), Paris:

Systems neuroengineering to model and interface brain networks

  • Leonardo Abdala Elias, Unicamp:

Decoding Motor Neuron Activity with High-Density Electromyography: Insights into Motor Physiology and Neuroprosthetics.

13h -> 14h30 / 18h -> 19h30


14h30 -> 16h/ 19h30 -> 21h

Round table: Future of Brazil-France Cooperation in Digital Health

Moderator: Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, Unicamp

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