Within the Inria-Brasil strategic partnership with LNCC (Laboratorio Nacional de Computaçao Cientifica), Inria and LNCC are organizing thematic workshops (in hybrid mode), with the objective to gather Inria and Brazilian teams working on the same thematic to foster new collaborations.
The first workshop was held on Tuesday December 19, 2023 (9:30am-1pm Brazilian time/13:30pm-17:00pm French time) in partnership with PUC-Rio with Brazilian researchers from other universities as well, on “Digital Sciences and Energy”, which deals with the applications of digital sciences to energy.

The event was introduced by Sergio Lifschitz, PUC-RJ, Patrick Valduriez, Inria and Frederic Valentin, LNCC

6 Inria teams (SERENA, CALISTO, MAKUTU, MEMPHIS, DATAMOVE, CARDAMOM) and also researchers from PUC-Rio, LNCC, UNICAMP, UFRJ, USP, Petrobras participated on site or online to this event to present their research works on AI and Energy, HPC and Energy, Hydropower, Gas.
Common topics of interest were identified among them the optimization of the energy system (production, storage, distribution, network), the prediction of bio-gas production from waste, Fault detection and failures in transformers, CO2 and H2 storage.
Final program available on dedicated website- PUC Rio
News – Portuguese version on LNCC website: https://www.gov.br/lncc/pt-br/assuntos/eventos/seminarios/inria-brasil-workshop-on-digital-science-and-energy