- Brett Ridel Gaël Guennebaud, Patrick Reuter, XavierGranier. Parabolic-cylindrical moving least squares surfaces. Computers & Graphics, Volume 51, Pages 60-66, October 2015.
- Renaud Gervais, Jérémy Frey, Alexis Gay, Fabien Lotte, Martin Hachet, TOBE: Tangible Out-of-Body Experience,TEI ’16 – Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction., Feb 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ACM, 2016,
- Renaud Gervais, Joan Sol Roo, Martin Hachet ,Tangible Viewports: Getting Out of Flatland in Desktop Environments, TEI’16, Feb 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 2016
- Joan Sol Roo, Renaud Gervais, Martin Hachet, Inner Garden: an Augmented Sandbox Designed for Self-Reflection (poster), TEI ’16, Feb 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands. 2016, TEI ’16.
- Renaud Gervais, Jérémy Frey, Martin Hachet, Pointing in Spatial Augmented Reality from 2D Pointing Devices,Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015, Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. INTERACT, 9299, pp.8.
- Simon Robinson, Céline Coutrix, Jennifer Pearson, Juan Rosso, Matheus Fernandes Torquato, LaurenceNigay, Matt Jones, Emergeables: Deformable Displays for Continuous Eyes-Free Mobile Interaction.Conference Proceedings of ACM-CHI’16, the 34th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, San Jose, CA, USA, May 7-12, 2016.
- Laval Virtual (Laval, France)
- Wearable Tech (London, UK)
- Hannover Messe (Hanovre, Allemagne)
- Augmented World Expo (Santa Clara, US)
- Bordeaux Geek Festival (Bordeaux)