
Neurinfo is a platform offering imaging resources for the development and valorization of clinical, methodological and technological research activities. This platform concerns in vivo human imaging and neuroinformatics, particularly in the context of central nervous system diseases, cardiac and abdominal pathologies. It is open to a large community of medical and scientific users, at the regional, national and international levels.

Neurinfo is equipped with a 3T MRI installed in the radiology department of the University Hospital of Rennes, which allows it to accommodate both patients and healthy volunteers. A team of research engineers supports users in their clinical and/or methodological research projects.

Neurinfo is a partnership between the University of Rennes 1, the University Hospital of Rennes, Inria, the CNRS and the Eugène Marquis Regional Cancer Center. Neurinfo is operated by the Empenn U1228 Inserm-Inria unit/project of IRISA.

In 2012, Neurinfo joined the Biogenouest scientific interest group (GIS), an inter-regional network of technology platforms in life and environmental sciences federating more than 30 technology platforms as well as 70 research units in the Greater West (Brittany and Pays-de-Loire). Moreover, in 2016, Neurinfo obtained the “label” of the GIS IBISA, a national network of research platforms in life sciences.
In 2020, Neurinfo has joined the Grand Ouest node of the national infrastructure France Life Imaging (FLI).