Watch the French version of the video.
Predicting Frost Events

A frost event happens when the temperature is so low that the crops cannot recover their tissue or internal structure from the effects of water freezing inside or outside the plant. For the peach production, a critical period is when the trees are in bloom and fruit set (Aug./Sept. in Mendoza), during which the temperature needs to be kept above 3° C. Even a few hours below that temperature causes flowers to fall, preventing fruits to grow.

Prof. Diego Dujovne visit in Paris
Peach demo Runner-Up IEEE SECON 2016 Best Demo Award!
First Sensors Arrived !

We finally received the first sensors ! The team in Argentina is starting to test the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor. The sensor is sold by Adafruit and is integrated into a board: We will soon be able to measure temperature with a 0.3°C accuracy and relative humidity at…
SaveThePeaches presented at Inria@Silicon Valley annual workshop
PEACH Presentation for the Math an Society Exhibition

Tomorrow, Keoma Brun-Laguna will present the PEACH project during the annual Math exhibition in Paris. The presentation will be held this Saturday 28th of May, for 1 to 4P.M, place St Sulpice in Paris 6th district. Venez nombreux ! More information at
Transactions on IoT article accepted!

PEACH: Predicting Frost Events in Peach Orchards Using IoT Technology Thomas Watteyne, Ana Laura Diedrichs, Keoma Brun-Laguna, Javier Emilio Chaar, Diego Dujovne, Juan Carlos Taffernaberry, Gustavo Mercado. The paper submitted to: EAI Endorsed Transactions the Internet of Things is accepted. To appear. Congratulation !
April Deployment, day 8
April Deployment, day 7

14 April 2016, Mendoza, Argentina. Another preparation day! Today we prepared the lasts boxes, bought battery packs, sold battery connectors, checked the motes configurations, improved the range testing scripts and lost a wallet. Great day! The VPN to the INTA local network is now working right and we can access…
April Deployment, day 6
April Deployment, day 5

12 April 2016, Mendoza, Argentina. Thomas and Diego left Mendoza yesterday to return to their respective labs. The local team is now following the work, starting by cutting wood in pieces, fixing those pieces onto the boxes and making sure they don’t move. Yes, those motes are being very agitated so…