Intervenant : Nataliia Bielova
Nataliia Bielova is a a full-time Research Scientist (CR) at Inria Sophia Antipolis in the INDES team. She is interested in a wide range of computer security and privacy problems. She is working on: Privacy protection on the Web; Web tracking technologies; Web transparency measurements; ePrivacy regulation; Web application security; Information flow control; Runtime monitoring.
Détail du cours
Billions of users browse the Web on a daily basis, leaving their digital traces on millions of websites. Every such visit, every mouse move or button click may trigger a wide variety of hidden data exchanges across multiple tracking companies. As a result, these companies collect a vast amount of user’s data, preferences and habits, that are extremely useful for online advertisers and prof- itable for data brokers, however very worrisome for the privacy of the users.
In this lecture we will cover the vide variety of Web tracking technologies, ranging from simple cookies to advanced cross-device fingerprinting. We will describe the main mechanisms behind Web tracking, measurements of Web tracking on popular websites and how users can protect themselves. Moreover, we will discuss an impact of EU new privacy laws, such as GDPR and ePrivacy regulation on Web tracking ecosystem.