Robotics Principia
a GdR Robotics Winter School
January 21-25th 2019
Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditérranée
This school is aimed primarily at PhD students in robotics in first year and aims to teach the basics of robotics. It is organized within the framework of CNRS GdR Robotics (national network of robotics) at the initiative of the CHORALE and HEPHAISTOS project of INRIA. It is important for PhD students to catch the fundamental basics in robotics in a minimum of time. Understanding the background and fundamental basics may help them to understand quicker the main concepts and tools. As the lectures will be delivered in English, all foreign students working in the French laboratories will have access to the winter school. The number of participants will be limited to 30. Inscriptions are mandatory. Click here to register. Inscription fees include accomodation from 1/20 to 1/25 and lunch.
The program consists of lectures in the morning and early afternoon. The rest of the afternoon and evening students will work in groups on a predefined task called “hands on” which will be given to them at the beginning and which must be done with a robotic system. The main results will be presented publicly on Friday afternoon.
From an international point of view, we have invited two very well-known specialists working in robotics (Bruno Siciliano, Manfred Husty).
Pre-registration: 15/9 – 16/11
Notification of acceptance: 18/11
Registration: 18/11 – 30/11
Winter School: 21-25/01
Video hands-on:
Diaporama :