
Final program  E-programme


Description of Hands on

The principle of the hands on is:

- The organizers will propose a simple task to be realized in a
"robotized" way at the very beginning of the school

- They will select the students to form groups (between 7 and 10)
whose nickname will be chosen by the groups

- They will provide a robotics kit for each student groups and a set
of basic tools. Only the elements of the kit and basic material
such as plastic sheet, wood, paper, nails may be used

- Each group will work independently and without any external help
for designing and implementing their solution for performing the
proposed task

- All groups will present their system performance on Friday afternoon
 during a public seance.

This is not a competition, there will be no winner and the purpose is
too be imaginative, original, collaborative and to 
think "out of the box".
And for sure to have fun !

There is no prerequisite for the hands on but some basic knowledge of
Arduino programming may help (although not using a computer is not 
against the rule !).

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