Category: Industrial Contracts

CozyCloud bilateral contract (Dec. 2013 – Nov. 2015)

Partners: SMIS (coordinator), CozyCloud Many personal data end up today on servers where they can be scrutinized by companies and governmental agencies. To face this situation, the Personal Cloud paradigm gives users the ability to store their complete digital environment, synchronize it among various devices and share it with other users and applications under their …

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DMSP Yvelines District grant (Dec. 2006 – Dec. 2009, Nov 2010 – Apr. 2012, Nov. 2013 – Nov. 2014).

Partners: Inria-SMIS (coordinator), Gemalto, Univ. of Versailles, Santeos. The DMSP project aims at implementing a secure and mobile personal medical folder to improve social services and care coordination at home for elderly people. The DMSP architecture builds upon the PlugDB technology. This architecture has been designed and developed under grant DMSP1 ended in 2010. Then, …

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