Category: Research Contracts

ANR KISS (Dec. 2011 – Dec. 2015)

Partners: Inria-SMIS (coordinator), Inria-SECRET, LIRIS, Univ. of Versailles, CryptoExperts, Gemalto, Yvelines district. The idea promoted in KISS is to embed, in trusted devices, software components capable of acquiring, storing and managing securely various forms of personal data (e.g., salary forms, invoices, banking statements, geolocation data) depending on the applications. These software components form a Personal …

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PDS4NRJ (Aug. 2013 – Oct.2014).

Instrument: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development. Inria contact: Philippe Bonnet This project, called PDS4NRJ, is based on the insights that (1) secure personal data management can be radically improved with the advent of secure hardware embedded in personal devices at the edges of the Internet, and that (2) a secure personal data management …

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PEPS PAIP (Pour une Approche Interdisciplinaire de la Privacy), Digital Society Institute (DSI) (Sept. 2013 – Sept. 2014).

Partners: ADIS and SMIS (co-organizers), CERDI, DANTE, COMETE, GRACE, TPT, LIMSI. The Digital Society Institute (DSI) is the UPSay IDEX catalyst for multidisciplinary research on societal challenges inherent to eLife and plans to be one of the European leading institutes in this area. Since 2013, the DSI has hosted two kick-off major research projects: (1) …

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VALDO (Valorisation et monétisation des donnéees personnelles à l’ère du Big Data), Digital Society Institute (DSI) (May 2015 – Sept. 2016)

Partners: DANTE and SMIS (co-organizers), CERDI, RITM The objective of this project is to study with a multidisciplinary approach (i.e., computer science, law and economics) the impact of putting a certain (e.g., monetary) value on  personal data, over the behavior of individuals (that are the rightful owners of the data) and market companies (that make …

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CLyDE Project (Cross-LaYer optimized Database Engine) (Oct. 2011 – Oct. 2014)

Program: Danish Council for Independent Research (FTP call). Partners: IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark), SMIS. The goal is to explore how  flash devices, operating systems and database systems can be designed together to improve overall performance. Such a co-design is particularly important for the next generation database appliances, or cloud-based relational database systems for which …

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Digiteo LETEVONE chair (2010 – 2013)

Partners: LIX (Ecole Polytechnique), PRiSM (UVSQ), DBWeb (Telecom ParisTech), Exalead S.A.. Participant in the DIGITEO Learning Techniques for Evolving Networks chair, held by Pr. Michalis Vazirgiannis (Athens University of Economics and Business) from 2010 to 2013. The overall objective of the proposed project is mining and learning from the large scale and dynamically evolving data …

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