
8h30 Registration

9h00 Welcome & Opening Remarks

9h15 -10h30 Paper Session 1: Movie style annotation and analysis

  • Using Advene to bridge the gap between users and ontologies in movie annotation
    Olivier Aubert
  • Evaluation of deep pose detectors for automatic analysis of film style
    Hui-Yin Wu, Antoine-Luan Nguyen, Yoldoz Tabei and Lucile Sassatelli
  • The Prose Storyboard Language: A Tool for Annotating and Directing Movies
    Rémi Ronfard, Vineet Gandhi, Laurent Boiron and Vaishnavi Ameya Murukutla

BREAK 10h30 – 11h00

11h00-12h15 Paper Session 2 : Intelligent and virtual cinematography

  • Framework to Computationally Analyze Kathakali Videos
    Pratikkumar Bulani, Jayachandran S, Sarath Sivaprasad and Vineet Gandhi
  • Consistent Multi- and Single-View HDR-Image Reconstruction from Single Exposures
    Aditya Mohan, Jing Zhang, Remi Cozot and Celine Loscos
  • (Re-)Framing Virtual Reality
    Rémi Sagot-Duvauroux, François Garnier and Remi Ronfard

12h15-13h30 Lunch Break
13h30-14h30 Eurographics Keynote

14h30-15h15 Panel : Future of Intelligent Cinematography and Film Editing

15h15-15h45 Break

15h30-17h Paper Session 3 : Film editing and directing

  • Write-A-Video: Computational Video Montage from Themed Text
    Ariel Shamir
  • Real-time Music-Driven Movie Design Framework
    Sarah Hofmann, Maximilian Seeger, Henning Rogge-Pott and Sebastian von Mammen
  • Film directing for computer games and animation: where do we go from here?
    Remi Ronfard

17h-18h BBC Video editing competition announcement

20h – Dinner

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