Call for Doctoral Consortium papers

The EKAW 2018 Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for PhD students to discuss and obtain feedback on their ongoing work, plans and research directions with/from experienced researchers in the field. The objective is to share best practices of research methods and approaches, as well as to exchange on what it means to engage in an academic and research career on the topics relevant to the EKAW conference.

All proposals submitted to the EKAW 2018 Doctoral Consortium will undergo a reviewing process with a view of providing detailed and constructive feedback. All the papers will be reviewed by three experienced researchers. In addition,  the authors of accepted papers will be asked to review one of the other Doctoral Consortium papers. The objective is to make students experience the reviewing process and to provide for each paper different views regarding the research they describe.

Submissions will be divided into two different categories depending on the advancement into the PhD:

  • Early Stage PhD: Students who may have identified the main research problem they want to address as well as the relevant literature, and who are building their research methodology, but who might not yet have obtained significant results, or only preliminary ones.
  • Late Stage PhD: Students who have already defined their approach (even if incompletely) and obtained significant results (e.g., that might already have been published).

These categories do not affect the chances of being selected. They will, however, be taken into account by the reviewers in their feedback, and in the length and format of the presentation. The organisers might decide to move a submission from one category to the other, if they think it is justified.

Submission guidelines

All submissions must be single-author submissions. Please acknowledge your PhD advisor(s) and other contributors in the Acknowledgements section. Submissions should clearly indicate the category of the submission (Early Stage PhD or Late Stage PhD) and should be structured around the following items which are the key methodological components required for a sound research narrative:

  1. Problem: describe the core problem that you work on, motivate its relevance for the knowledge management, knowledge acquisition and knowledge representation areas, and formulate the research question(s) and/or hypotheses that you will answer;
  2. State of the art: describe relevant related work and point out areas that need to be improved or investigated;
  3. Proposed Approach: present the approach taken and motivate how this is novel with respect to existing work;
  4. Methodology: sketch the methodology that is (or will be) adopted, including the evaluation protocol, i.e. the way in which the results will be validated and/or the hypotheses will be tested.
  5. Results: describe the current status of the work and any results that have been reached so far;
  6. Discussion: reflect on why you think your approach will work (or not), difficulties you have run into, and recommendations for future work.

The Doctoral Consortium focuses on the same topics as the main conference.

Submission information and requirements

All submissions for the Doctoral Consortium must be in English, and between 5 and 8 pages. Papers and abstracts can be submitted electronically via EasyChair. Submissions must be either in HTML or in PDF, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions.

HTML submissions should be submitted to EasyChair as a ZIP archive that contains the complete content of the paper. Authors can use any HTML-based format for the submission, but a mandatory LNCS-like layout should be provided and the submission still needs to comply with the established page limit. Authors who are new to HTML submissions may consider to use either dokieli or RASH that can help produce well formatted academic papers using HTML and are capable of rendering papers in the LNCS layout.

Students accepted to present at the Doctoral Consortium must attend the Doctoral Consortium for the whole day in order to gain as much value as possible from the experience. Each submitter should also be aware that they will be asked to review one other paper submitted to the Doctoral Consortium.

Accepted papers will be published online via CEUR Workshop Proceedings (or equivalent).

Important Dates

Abstract submission: 14 September 2018 (extended)
Full paper submission: 21 September 2018 (extended)
Notification: 12 October 2018 (extended)
Camera-ready: 26 October 2018 (extended)
Doctoral Consortium: 13 November 2018


Francesco Osborne ( KMi, The Open University, UK)
Laura Hollink (CWI, Netherlands)

Program Committee Members

Aldo Gangemi, Università di Bologna & CNR-ISTC
Anna Lisa Gentile, IBM
Carole Goble, The University of Manchester
Davide Ceolin, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Enrico Motta, The Open University, UK
Frank Van Harmele, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Hala Skaf-Molli, Nantes University
Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA & Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Jun Zhao, University of Oxford
Lyndon Nixon, MODUL Technology GmbH
Marta Sabou, University of Technology, Vienna
Mathieu D’Aquin, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland Galway
Miriam Fernandez, The Open University, UK
Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Paul Groth, Elsevier Labs
Stefan Dietze, GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool

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