FAPESP and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) have issued a new call for proposals for research projects involving collaboration between scientists from France and the state of São Paulo.
The call for proposals is launched under the terms of the ANR/FAPESP cooperation agreement. This is the 17th joint call for proposals.
The ANR/FAPESP Generic Call 2024 edition expands its scope in comparison to the 2023 edition, establishing six thematic axes: Engineering, Chemistry and Physics; Computer Sciences and Mathematics; Social Sciences and Humanities; Materials Sciences; Biological Resources, Ecosystems and the Environment; and the Immunology, Infectology and Neurosciences axis.
Pre-registration in the call is required, and must be submitted exclusively by the French researcher partners to ANR, according to ANR procedures, until October 19, 2023. This is also the deadline for São Paulo researchers to request an eligibility analysis by FAPESP.
For French participants: https://anr.fr/fileadmin/aap/2022/aapg-2022-ANR-FAPESP.pdf
For SP participants: https://fapesp.br/16292/fapesp-anr-agence-nationale-de-la-recherche-chamada-de-propostas-para-o-programa-generic-call-for-proposals-2024