Call CAPES-COFECUB (new deadline: 17 August)
Call for joint research projects between France and Brazil via CAPES-COFECUB programme – 2022 COFECUB is the French Committee for the…
RISC2 virtual workshop on High-Performance Computing (HPC), data science and scientific computing
Brazilian partner officer
We are pleased to welcome Simone Elias in the management team of Inria Brasil. Simone will act as partner officer…
Call for Postdoctoral Research Positions- Inria Brasil
Every year the International Relations Department of Inria launches a recruitment campaign for Post-Doctoral positions in order to support Inria…
CARLA 2022-Calls for papers Workshop HPC and Data Sciences meet Scientific Computing (before July 15th)
Online Event- Fund your Postdoc @Inria (European funding)
Inria offers numerous opportunities and dedicated support to host postdoctoral fellows in its 9 centres as part of the Marie…