The SERPICO/STED teams also co-organized a thematic day on “VR/AR” at Institut Curie (“Digital Spaces for Research and Medicine”, 7th of July 2022), to which five partner teams of the NAVISCOPE challenge participate.

Video of dynamic exchange of mitochondria between cells using Tunneling Nanotubes (TNT) (Courtesy of Chiara Zurzolo’s lab, Institut Pasteur) visualized with DIVA in virtual reality.

AR interface to analyse particle tracking from 3D+Time images acquired with Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy. Multi-stage interactive track selection pipeline : abstract data representation, Boolean selection operations, live updates on 3D-view.

MorphoneVR presentation is here…

Genuage presentation is here…

Design and evaluation of Selection Techniques for tightly packed 3D objects in cell lineage specification in botany is presented here…