Internal partners
- EPC AVIZ, Tobias Isenberg, Inria Saclay
- EPC BEAGLE, Hugues Berry, Inria Lyon
- EPC HYBRID, Ferran Argelaguet, Inria Rennes
- EPC MORPHEME, Grégoire Malandain, Inria Sophia Antipolis
- EPC PARIETAL, Bertrand Thirion, Inria Saclay
- EPC SERPICO, Charles Kervrann, Inria Rennes
- EPC MOSAIC, Christophe Godin, Inria Lyon
External partners
- Unité MaIAGE, Alain Trubuil, INRAe Jouy-en-Josas
- SERPICO/STED team, Jean Salamero, UMR 144 CNRS Institut Curie Paris
- LOCCO Team, Bassam Hajj, UMR 168 CNRS Institut Curie Paris
- DBC Team, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Institut Pasteur Paris
3 PhD students and 1 Starting Research Position (SRP), 3 ADT-engineers, and 2 master students have been recruited during the project. Each PhD student was supervised by 2-3 teams.
Starting Research Position (SRP)
- C.A. VALADES-CRUZ (Sep 2019 – Oct 2020), supervised by J. Salamero and C. Kervrann (SERPICO/STED): C.A. Valades-Cruz provided Lattice Light Sheet raw data, 3D endosomes segmentation maps and particle tracks to G. Fouché (HYBRID) and E. Faure (MOSAIC) for VR experiments and integration into MorphoNet, respectively.
PhD students
- G. FOUCHÉ (Oct 2019 – Dec 2022), supervised by F. Argelaguet (HYBRID), E. Faure (MOSAIC) and C. Kervrann (SERPICO): G. Fouché has collaborated with C.A. Valades-Cruz and E. Faure to develop the VR visualization approach (Space-Time Hypercube, Time-Lines).
- J. HONG (Jan 2020 – Feb 2023), supervised by T. Isenberg (AVIZ) and A. Trubuil (MaIAGE) (also in collaboration with F. Argelaguet (HYBRID) on the selection project): J. Hong conducted a number of interviews with biologists, stablished a set of design requirements for a new interactive tool, and developed a prototype that allows biologists to build cell lineage, based on individual sister cell matching.
- M. PETIT (Oct 2019 – May 2023), supervised by C. Godin (MOSAIC) and G. Malandain (MORPHEME): M. Petit developed dedicated methods for image registration and cell-to-cell mapping to analyze long time-lapse series of flora Meristem. Meanwhile, he has collaborated with scientists in charge of the development of the Gnomon software, in particular, to help the integration of an add-on that performs cell membrane tracking and lineage reconstruction.