Best poster prize for Esther Fontaine

Esther Fontaine received the best poster prize for 1st year PhD students during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the MPSNI Doctoral School of Université Reims Champagne Ardennes. This prize was awarded by the Digital Engineering Sciences Division.

Esther Fontaine (4th from the right) is a PhD student at Crestic, LMR and CHU Reims, under the supervision of Christophe Portefaix and Stéphanie Salmon.

Paper accepted

Our paper about “Solving Dynamic Cosserat Rods with Frictional Contact Using the Shooting Method and Implicit Surfaces”, by Radhouane Jilani, Pierre-Frédéric Villard and Erwan Kerrien (Inria NGE) was just accepted to IROS 2024!

New intern student

Pauline Bonnet has recently started her M1 internship at the Loria lab. She will work on the simulation of a catheter with physics-informed neural networks (WP2). Welcome to the team Pauline!

Paper accepted

Our paper about “An Orthogonal Collocation Method for Static and Dynamic Cosserat Rods”, by Radhouane Jilani, Pierre-Frédéric Villard and Erwan Kerrien (Inria NGE) was just accepted to IROS 2023!

New project engineer

François Régis Hammer was recently hired to work at Creatis lab. He will work on blood vessel modeling (WP1) and its use for CFD computations in order to improve the simulation of perfusion MRI images (WP3). Welcome to the team François Régis!