If you need to cite Damaris, please cite both this website and one of the peer-reviewed papers, preferably the one that best corresponds to the context of your own publication.
Addressing the Challenges of I/O Variability in Post-Petascale HPC Simulations , M. Dorier, PhD thesis defended on December 9th, 2014, in Rennes, France.
On the Benefit of Dedicating Cores to Mask I/O Jitter in HPC Simulations, Matthieu Dorier, Master thesis.
Peer reviewed publications
Damaris: Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations, M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, R. Sisneros, O. Yildiz, S. Ibrahim, T. Peterka, L. Orf, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (ToPC)
On the Energy Footprint of I/O Management in Exascale HPC Systems, M. Dorier, O. Yildiz, Sh. Ibrahim, A. Orgerie, G. Antoniu, Elsevier Future Generation Computer System (FGCS), September 2016, Vol. 62, pp. 17-28.
Lessons Learned from Building In Situ Coupling Frameworks, M. Dorier, M. Dreher, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, B. Raffin, J. M. Wozniak, First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV), November 2015, (Austin, TX). BibTex
A Performance and Energy Analysis of I/O Management Approaches for Exascale Systems, O. Yildiz, M. Dorier, S. Ibrahim, G. Antoniu, in Proc. of the sixth international workshop on Data intensive distributed computing (DIDC 2014). June 2014 (Vancouver, Canada). BibTeX
Damaris/Viz: a Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework, M. Dorier, R. Sisneros, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, D. Semeraro, in Proc. of the IEEE LDAV 2013 conference. October 2013 (Atlanta, GA, USA). BibTeX
Damaris: How to Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism to Achieve Scalable, Jitter-free I/O, M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, L. Orf, in Proc. of the IEEE Cluster 2012 conference. September 2012 (Beijing, China). BibTeX
Research reports
In-situ visualization using Damaris: The Code_Saturne use case, J. Bowden, F. Tessier, C. Deltel, S. Bnà, G. Antoniu. BibTeX. See: PRACE Whitepapers
Damaris: Leveraging Multicore Parallelism to Mask I/O Jitter, M. Dorier, G. Antoniu, F. Cappello, M. Snir, L. Orf. BibTeX
A Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework, M. Dorier, R. Sisneros, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, D. Semeraro. BibTeX
Towards Smart Visualization for HPC Simulations, L.Rahmani, IPDPS 2014 PhD forum (Phoenix, AZ)
Efficient I/O using Dedicated Cores in Large-Scale HPC Simulations, M. Dorier (poster available here), IPDPS 2013 PhD forum (Boston, MA)
Damaris – using dedicated I/O cores for scalable post-petascale HPC simulations, M. Dorier, ICS 2011 (Tucson, AZ)