Home 2018

The PRAIRIE AI summer school comprises lectures and practical sessions conducted by renowned experts in different areas of artificial intelligence.

This event is the revival of a past series of very successful summer schools which took place in Grenoble and Paris. The latest edition of this series was held in 2013While originally focusing on computer vision, the summer school now targets a broader AI audience, and will also include presentations about machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and cognitive science.

The 2018 edition (2 – 6 July) of the AI summer school will feature lecturers including:

Lourdes Agapito (UCL) Léon Bottou (Facebook)
Kyunghyun Cho (NYU) Emmanuel Dupoux (EHESS)
Martial Hebert (CMU) Diane Larlus (NAVER LABS)
Hugo Larochelle (Google Brain) Yann LeCun (Facebook/NYU)
Julien Mairal (Inria) Nicolas Mansard (LAAS – CNRS)
Rémi Munos (Google DeepMind) Julien Perez (NAVER LABS)
Jean Ponce (Inria) Cordelia Schmid (Inria)
Andrew Zisserman (Oxford/Google DeepMind)

In addition, the scientific program consists of three practical sessions led by PRAIRIE industry members: Criteo on reinforcement learning, Facebook on PyTorch, and NAVERLABS Europe. See the full program here.

Supporting Organizations
The AI Summer School is co-organized by Inria / Univ. Grenoble Alpes and NAVER LABS Europe—two leading AI research organizations.

Inria NAVER LABS EUROPE Univ. Grenoble Alpes

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