Time Split ROM

By Samuele Rubino (Seville University) The aim of this secondment was to numerically test in the framework of POD (Proper Orthogonal Descomposition)-ROMs (Reduced Order Models) an efficient time-splitting approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations with open boundary conditions already performed for Finite Volume FOMs (Full Order Models)

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Secondment from SISSA to Virginia Tech (November 2023)

SISSA had a secondment to Virginia Tech in November 2023. The purpose is to investigate machine learning methods and optimization algorithms to find theoptimal filtering and relaxation parameters in the Evolve-Filter-Relax (EFR) regularization technique. This technique is applied to a benchmark in convection-dominated CFD simulations, in particular, the flow past…

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Secondment from University of Seville to Valorem

S. Rubino from University of Seville had a month secondment at Valorem in July 2023 with the purpose: Development, numerical analysis and implementation of reduced order models for the simulationof complex flows with dominant convection. Development, numerical analysis and implementation of efficient time-splitting POD-ROMs for theNavier-Stokes equations with open boundary…

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