Inria Bordeaux has sent an Early Stage Researcher (S.Riffaud) to University of Stanford for a secondment visit from January to April 2020 under the scope of ARIA project early this year. The objective of the secondment is to investigate the accuracy and the computational cost of a local approach for the stabilization of reduced-order models in presence of strong convection, large gradients and discontinuities for industrial applications.
The secondee has made:
- a comparison of dimensionality reduction between the global and the local approaches for model reduction.
- an investigation of a priori and automatic ways to decompose the physical domain by clustering techniques for the local approach.
- an implementation of dedicated algorithms exploiting the sparsity of the matrices of the local approach to reduce the computational cost of the reduced-order model
The secondment visit ended earlier than expected due to the Covid 19 pandemic; however, the secondee may come back to Standford in the future to continue the research cooperation.