Publication (MIG 2020): Extreme-Density Crowd Simulation

(This paper has been published in the 2020 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games.) Abstract: In highly dense crowds of humans, collisions between people occur often. It is common to simulate such a crowd as one fluid-like entity (macroscopic), and not as a set of individuals (microscopic, agent-based).…

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Publication (CASA 2019): Data-Driven Crowd Simulation with GANs

(This paper has been published in the 2019 International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents.) Abstract: This paper presents a novel data-driven crowd simulation method that can mimic the observed traffic of pedestrians in a given environment. Given a set of observed trajectories, we use a recent form of…

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Publication (CVPR 2019): Social Ways

(This paper has been published in the workshops of the 2019 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference.) Abstract: A novel approach for predicting the motion of pedestrians interacting with others. It uses a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to sample plausible predictions for any agent in the scene. As GANs are…

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