- 2017
- Damaris: In Situ Data Analysis and Visualization in Support of Large-Scale CFD Application, given by Hadi Salimi at 29th International Conference on Parallel CFD (ParCFD), May 2017.
- 2016
- Damaris: In Situ Data Analysis and Visualization for Large-Scale HPC Simulations, given by Hadi Salimi at ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC), November 2016. (Also find here the flyer and the poster)
- In Situ Data Analysis and Visualization for Large-Scale HPC Simulation with Damaris, given by Hadi Salimi at Ter@Tec Forum, June 2016.
- 2014
- Damaris: Data Management for Scientific Simulations on Post-Petascale Supercomputers, given by Matthieu Dorier at Inria Grenoble, June 2014.
- Going Further with Damaris: Energy/Performance Study in Post-Petascale I/O Approaches, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 2nd workshop on Joint Laboratory on Extreme-Scale Computing, November 2014.
- 2013
- Damaris/Viz: a Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework, Presented by Robert Sisneros at 3rd IEEE International Symposium of Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), October 2013.
- From Damaris to CALCioM: Mitigating I/O Interference in HPC Systems, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 10th workshop of the Joint INRIA/UIUC Laboratory for PetaScale Computing (JLPC), November 2013.
- 2012
- Damaris: How to Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism to Achieve Scalable, Jitter-free I/O, given by Matthieu Dorier at 14th IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), September 2012.
- Dealing with Big Data on Post-Petascale Machines: the Damaris Approach, given by Matthieu Dorier at the CRIP (Assises du Big Data) event, October 2012.
- Data Management for Scientific Simulations on Next-Generation Supercomputers, given by Matthieu Dorier during his visit at NCSA/ANL, August 2012.
- In-Situ Interactive Visualization of HPC Simulations with Damaris, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 7th workshop of the Joint INRIA/UIUC Laboratory for PetaScale Computing (JLPC), June 2012.
- I/O and In-Situ Visualization: Recent Results with the Damaris Approach, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 8th workshop of the Joint INRIA/UIUC Laboratory for PetaScale Computing (JLPC), November 2012.
- 2011
- Damaris: Using Dedicated I/O Cores for Scalable Post-Petascale HPC Simulations, given by Matthieu Dorier at 25th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), June 2011
- Toward new I/O Approaches for Scalable Post-Petascale HPC Simulations, Matthieu Dorier’s Master thesis slides, October 2011
- Damaris: Leveraging Multicore Parallelism to Mask I/O Jitter, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 5th workshop of the Joint INRIA/UIUC Laboratory for Petascale Computing (JLPC), June 2011.
- Update on Damaris: Making CM1 Scaling Linearly up to 10k Cores, given by Matthieu Dorier at the 6th workshop of the Joint INRIA/UIUC Laboratory for PetaScale Computing (JLPC), November 2011.