Install VisiIt

Damaris supports in-situ visualization via VisIt visualization toolkit. Regarding the fact that VisIt can be installed on different machines, it is highly recommended to build VisIt from scratch on the target machine. In this document, compiling and installing VisIt is described.


To start downloading VisIt and also its installation, go to this page and download the build_visit script from this page. Put this script inside a separate folder, e.g. visit_build. The latest version of VisIt that has integrated and tested with Damaris is 2.13.2.


Before trying to build and install VisIt, make sure that:

  • mpicxx and mpicc compilers could be found from the current shell through the PATH environment variable.
  • Subversion (svn) client is installed and could be found from the current shell.
  • CMake is installed and is accessible through the current shell.
  • Make sure that the ‘makedepend’ tool is installed on your machine. If not, try to install the latest version from your repository. To install it on Debian try:
    sudo apt-get install xutils-dev

    and on SUSE try:

    sudo zypper install makedepend
  • To install and configure VTK, the x11-xt library is required. To install this on Debian, you should install libxt-dev package like:
    sudo apt-get install libxt-dev

    or libXt-devel package on SUSE like:

    sudo zypper install libXt-devel
  • To install and configure VTK, the python xml library is required. To install this, you should install python-libxml2 package. For Debian it is:
    sudo apt-get install python-libxml2

    and on SUSE it is:

    sudo zypper install python-libxml2
  • Make sure that glu libraries is installed on your machine as well. To do this, try this command on Debian:
    sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

    and this one on SUSE:

    sudo zypper install glu-devel


From the directory where the build_visit script is located, run the following command:

./build_visit2_13_2 --server-components-only 
    --mesa --system-cmake --parallel --prefix $/path/to/installation/folder

The script tries to download a bunch of archives and build and install them on the introduced folder. Since some machines may not allow downloading libraries from the internet, you can run the script on your laptop with the –download-only option (in addition to all other options provided above) and then move the downloaded archives on the machine.


To install the VisIt GUI, it is not necessary to compile it from scratch. You can go to this address and download and install the VisIt executable matching your machine’s architecture and the version you just installed on your simulation server described above.

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