Postdoctoral grants
Postdoctoral grants are allocated in priority to existing projects.
Candidates interested in the projects currently supported are welcome to submit their application to a post-doctoral fellowship. Candidates are strongly encouraged to get in touch with the PIs of these projects, either at EPFL, or at Inria.
In 2021, Inria offered 1 Post-Doctoral fellowship under the framework of the EPFL-Inria International Lab.
Applications within the EPFL-Inria collaboration must be submitted to before August 15th, 2021 with all of the required documents.
Read more about the call for 2021
Post-docs 2017/2018 |
- Imen Mekkaoui, Inria – DEFI team at Inria Saclay – Ile-de-France
- Andreas Pavlogiannis, EPFL
Post-docs 2016/2017 |
- Camille Jeunet, who works at Inria on “BCI – Brain-Computer Interfaces”, in the context of a collaborative project between the HYBRID team at Inria Rennes (Anatole Lécuyer) and the CNBI at EPFL (José del R. Millán).
- Baptiste Lepers, EPFL
Post-docs 2015/2016 |
- Nicolas Tremblay, who works at Inria on Fast Transformation Graphs, in the context of a collaborative project between the PANAMA team at Inria Rennes (Remi Gribonval) and the LTS lab at EPFL (Pierre Vandergheynst).
- Jad Hamza, who works at EPFL, on understanding, verifying and correcting consistency in concurrent and distributedsystems in the context of a collaborative project between Victor Kuncak and Barbara Jobstmann at EPFL and Alain Girault and Gregor Goessler at Inria Grenoble.