
PyECDAR tool paper:

  • [LT13] PyEcdar: Axel Legay and Louis-Marie Traonouez. At ATVA 2013 (Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis), volume 8172 of LNCS, pages 460-463. [PDF]

On robustness analysis:

  • [LLTW13] Robust Synthesis for Real Time Systems. Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez and Andrzej Wasowski. Journal paper accepted at TCS. [PDF]
  • [Tra12] A Parametric Counterexample Refinement Approach for Robust Timed Specifications. Louis-Marie Traonouez. At FIT 2012 (Fourth Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies), volume 87 of EPCTS, pages 17-33.
  • [LLTW11] Robust Specification of Real Time Components. Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez and Andrzej Wasowski. At FORMATS 2011 (Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems), volume 6919 of LNCS, pages 129-144.
  • [CHP08] Timed Parity Games: Complexity and Robustness.
    Krishnendu Chatterjee, Thomas A. Henzinger and Vinayak S. Prabhu. At FORMATS 2008 (Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems), volume 5215 of LNCS, pages 124-140.

On timed specifications and timed games:

  • [DLLNT13] WReal-Time Specifications. Alexandre David, Kim. G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Ulrik Nyman, Louis-Marie Traonouez, and Andrzej Wasowski. Journal paper accepted at STTT. [PDF]
  • [DLLMNRSW12] Compositional verification of real-time systems using Ecdar. Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Mikael H. Møller, Ulrik Nyman, Anders P. Ravn, Arne Skou and Andrzej Wasowski. In STTT, volume 14, number 6, 2012, pages 703-720.
  • [DLLNW10] ECDAR: An Environment for Compositional Design and Analysis of Real Time Systems. Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Ulrik Nyman and Andrzej Wasowski. At ATVA 2010, volume 6252 of LNCS, pages 365-370.
  • [BDLLLNW10] New Results on Timed Specifications. Timothy Bourke, Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Didier Lime, Ulrik Nyman and Andrzej Wasowski. At WADT 2010, volume 7137 of LNCS, pages 175-192.
  • [DLLNW10] Timed I/O automata: a complete specification theory for real-time systems. Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Ulrik Nyman and Andrzej Wasowski. At HSCC 2010 (13th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control), pages 91-100.
  • [DLLNW09] Methodologies for Specification of Real-Time Systems Using Timed I/O Automata. Alexandre David, Kim G. Larsen, Axel Legay, Ulrik Nyman and Andrzej Wasowski. At FMCO 2009 (Formal Methods for Components and Objects), volume 6286 of LNCS, pages 290-310.
  • [CDFLL05] Efficient On-the-Fly Algorithms for the Analysis of Timed Games.
    Franck Cassez, Alexandre David, Emmanuel Fleury, Kim G. Larsen and Didier Lime. At CONCUR 2005, volume 3653 of LNCS, pages 66-80.

On adaptive systems:

  • [CLST13] A framework for the rigorous design of highly adaptive timed systems.
    Maxime Cordy, Axel Legay, Pierre-Yves Schobbens and Louis-Marie Traonouez. To appear at Formalise 2013. [PDF extended version]
  • [CCHLS13] Model Checking Adaptive Software with Featured Transition Systems.
    Maxime Cordy, Andreas Classen, Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay and Pierre-Yves Schobbens. At Assurances for Self-Adaptive Systems 2013, in volume 7740 of LNCS, pages 1-29.