1. Does the QuiX-Tool Suite only support XML format?
    QuiXTool Suite is designed for XML streams. It is easily applicable to any data with hierarchical structures, including JSON messages, RNA sequences, HTML pages…
  2. Is the QuiX-Tool Suite open source?
    Free open source (with less coverage) and a professional version are available. Contact us for more details:xml-streaming@inria.fr.
  3. Where can I get help?
    For feedback such as questions, comments, bug reports and feature requests please use of the following mailing list: xml-streaming@inria.fr.
  4. I found a bug. Where can I submit it?
    In case you have found a bug in the QuiX Tool Suite please use the following mailling list: xml-streaming@inria.fr. A short description of the bug and, if possible, a minimalistic query and input XML document that can be used to reproduce the behavior would be helpful.
  5. What is Quix DM?
    QuiXDM is the data model of QuiXPath and QuiXProc.
  6. Is the QuiX-Tool Suite compatible Java?
    QuiX Tool Suite is a stand alone but it can also by integrate in any Java software. QuiX Tool Suite is a 100% Java compatible and provide an easy interface s.t. you can connect to your own stream.
  7. Are QuiXPath, QuiXProc,… standards?
    Yes. The syntax and the semantic of QuiXPath, QuiXProc, QuiXSLT and QuiXSchematron follow the official W3C Recommendations (ISO Recommendation for Schematron).
  8. What is FXP?
    The FXP language is a temporal logic for a fragment of Forward XPath that is suitable for querying XML streams. The FXP library of the Mostrare project of INRIA Lille provides a compiler of the FXP language to nested word automata, efficient query answering algorithm for nested word automata on XML streams, and thus for FXP queries.
  9. Is FXP the run-time of QuiXPath?
    The QuiXPath library provides a compiler from QuiXPath to FXP. Thereby, the efficient query answering algorithms for FXP are lifted to a fragment of XPath.
  10. Is QuiXQuery released?
    Not yet. Feel free to contact usif you are interested: xml-streaming@inria.fr