QuiX-Tool Suite Twitter demo

Tom Sebatian

We illustrate the QuiXTool-Suite for querying and transforming XML
stream. In particular, we show how to
use XPath and XSLT for querying and transforming Twitter streams.

How do I get a login?

To request a login, click here.

Run XPath and/or XSLT over Twitter’s global stream of Tweet data.

twitter –xpath [–output file] [–time timeInSeconds]
twitter –xslt [–output file] [–time timeInSeconds]


Use XPath to select any subtree of the stream. E.g. all english tweets:

> twitter --xpath “//tweet[./object/lang[contains(.,’en’)]]”

Be aware that XPath queries selecting twees output a huge tweet-subtree. For displaying only the text of tweets you may run the following query:

> twitter --xpath “//tweet/object/text[contains(.,’love’)]/value/string/text()”

As the Twitter stream is infinite, you may want to set the time of processing (in seconds). The default processing time is 5 seconds.

> twitter --xpath “//tweet/object/text[contains(.,’love’)]/value/string/text()” --time 60


Transform Twitter’s stream via XSLT. E.g. create a table with all tweets containing ‘love’ using a sample style-sheet “tweetsInTable”, or create and upload your own style-sheet.

> twitter --xslt /share/tweetsInTable.xslt --output out.html --time 60


TwitterException when connecting to twitter.

Test Machine is out of sync.

Contact QuiX-Proc team: xml-streaming@inria.fr