No lunch is planned with the IMX 2023 conference on Monday. Please fill in this form to let us know wether you plan to attend our workshop and share lunch with us.
You can also find the preprints of the papers that will be presented during the workshop to this page, awaiting the final publication on ACM DL.
Check out our keynotes Katalin Bálint and Stephen Neal!
Tentative programme:
9am – Welcome & Introduction
9.10am – Keynote: “The psychology of cinematography: The role of audio-visual formal features in the film viewing experience“, Katalin Bálint (remote)
- “That’s AWESOME: Awareness While Experiencing and Surfing On Movies through Emotions”, Teresa Chambel, Patrícia Arriaga, Manuel J. Fonseca, Thibault Langlois, Octavian Postolache, Cláudia Ribeiro, Nuno Piçarra, Soraia M. Alarcão and Ana Jorge
- “PEM360: A dataset of 360° videos with continuous Physiological measurements, subjective Emotional ratings and Motion traces”, Florent Robert, Quentin Guimard, Camille Bauce, Aldric Ducreux, Lucile Sassatelli, Hui-Yin Wu, Marco Winckler, and Auriane Gros
11am – Coffee break
11.30am –
- “Assessing active speaker detection algorithms through the lens of automated editing”, Rohit Girmaji, Sudheer Achary, Adhiraj Deshmukh, and Vineet Gandhi (remote)
- “Happy or Sad, Smiling or Drawing with Multimodal Search and Visualisation of Movies Based on Emotions Along Time”, Francisco Caldeira, João Lourenço, and Teresa Chambel
- “High-level cinematic knowledge to predict inter-observer visual congruency”, Alexandre Bruckert, and Marc Christie
- “Old School: An 8K Multicamera Shoot to Create a Dataset for Computational Cinematography”, Stephen Jolly, Graeme Phillipson, Michael Evans, Alia Sheikh, Peter Mills, and Rebecca Stagg
12.45am Competition announcement
1pm – Lunch
2.30pm – Keynote: “Directing multi-camera television at the BBC“, Stephen Neal
- “Is this the real life? Investigating the credibility of synthesized faces and voices created by amateurs using artificial intelligence tools”, Daniel Gregory, and Diego Monteiro (remote)
- “Recognition of Camera Angle and Camera Level in Movies from Single Frames”, Mattia Savardi, András Bálint Kovács, Alberto Signoroni, and Sergio Benini
- “Unsupervised Scouting and Layout for Storyboarding in Movie Pre-production”, Will Kerr, Tom S.F. Haines, and Wenbin Li
4.30pm – Coffee break
5pm –
- “AI in Production: Video Analysis and Machine Learning for Expanded Live Events Coverage”, Craig Wright, Jack Allnutt, Rosie Campbell, Michael Evans, Ronan Forman, James Gibson, Stephen Jolly, Lianne Kerlin, Susan Lechelt, Graeme Phillipson, and Em Shotton
- “Intelligent Directing System for Music Concert Scene Based on Visual and Auditory Information”, Caihong Wang, Chuhan Qiu, Wanxin Xu, Weijie Zhu, Hanlu Luo, Lei Chen, Ziyi Yu, Lin Fu, and Xuanjun Chen (remote)
5.45pm – Panel discussion
6.30pm – IMX 2023 Welcome reception