CAFFEET’15 will feature 2 speakers from Inria: Ana Busic from the DYIOGENE research team, and Jacques Sainte-Marie from the ANGE research team.
CaFFEET (California France Forum on Energy Efficiency Technologies) is an annual conference organized by EDF, the Office for Science and Technology at the Embassy of France in the United States, PRIME and French Tech Hub. Its aim is to promote the exchange of technical and scientific knowledge in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency between two major low-carbon economies: France and California. Each year, CaFFEET gathers numerous international experts and leaders from utilities, corporations, start-ups, research centers and academic institutes.
CaFFEET’15 proposes to address the challenges and opportunities related to the integration of an increasing share of renewable electricity sources in the energy mix. State-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions, as well as their effectiveness on renewable integration, will be discussed within panels of world-renowned experts and start-ups in this domain.
More Information about CAFFEET’15: