Trust, Privacy & Security

The track is headed by Valérie Viet Triem Tong (Centre Inria Rennes et IRISA, CentraleSupelec).

Privacy and cybersecurity has been a major focus for CominLabs since its beginning, thus contributing to the strength of our geographical area in these sectors. We addressed challenges in data protection, security policies, software and hardware vulnerabilities and protection mechanisms, with a focus on web applications and cloud computing. Eleven research projects and follow-up actions have been built.

For the next period, we will extend this focus by including issues related to trust, for which researchers from Social Sciences (in particular psychology and law) will contribute. The level of online security is affected by technical factors, contextual events but also by human behavior. We will study the legal and technical implications of the recent European Data Protection Regulations. In particular, we will investigate how to ensure that the exploitation of data will be in accordance with law and who will assume responsibility in the event of a security breach.


Research projects of the track

Projects for the period 2020-2024

Projects for the period 2012-2019


Follow-up actions of the track (more information here):

  • JSExplain: Explaining JavaScript executions (standardization)
  • Profile-int (international extension)
  • Tyrex: Lattice-based cryptography for homomorphic encryption
  • Watsup: Watermarking outsourced data (start-up project)

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