Formatting guidelines for the camera-ready version of your manuscript
- One single PDF, no additional file.
- PDF length <= 8 pages for full papers, <= 2 pages for extended abstracts.
- PDF size < 5 Mb.
- All pages sized consistently at 8.5 x 11 (US letter format).
- No visible crop marks.
- Images at *no greater* than 300 dpi, scaled at 100%.
- Embedded open type fonts only.
- All layers flattened.
- All desired links active in the files: This can be done easily with LaTeX. To automatically turn all your internal references (citations, figures, equations, sections…) into internal hyperlinks in the PDF, add \usepackage{hyperref} in the preamble of your .tex file. If you get an error (“Paragraph ended before \Hy@setref@link was complete”) upon compilation, remove the .aux files and try to compile again, this should fix the problem. To insert links pointing outside the document, use \url{http://theurlyouwanttoinsert}. It will show the URL using a mono-spaced font and, if readers click on it in the PDF, their browser will be opened pointing at it.
Submission of the camera-ready version will be through Easychair: Update your submission with the new PDF.