BIS’2016 – Day 3: Conference on Digital Sciences and Technologies for Health – 10 June 2016

3=PosterDay3-Bis16The Inria@SiliconValley  initiative promoting research collaboration with California partners organizes every year a one-day open conference to exchange about ongoing international collaborations and research challenges ahead of us. This year, Inria@SiliconValley partners with the Inria Paris research center and Futur en Seine Innovation Festival to hold a one-day conference dedicated to « Digital Science and Technologies for Health ».

Conference website:

Ongoing development in digital sciences and technologies are profoundly changing our lives. This includes major advances in information technology solutions improving health and wellness, spanning precision medicine, quantified self, mobile health, remote monitoring and sensors, and quantified health. This one-day conference features keynote talks and panels with leading experts in the area to engage discussion on the ongoing revolution.


Keynotes (in English):
  • “Population precision medicine research in digital economy” by Nick Anderson (UC. Davis)
  • “From detection to forecasting: Big Data and models in Epidemiology – the example of Dengue in Rio de Janeiro” by Pierre Alexandre Bliman (MAMBA Inria Research Team)
  • “Biomechanics and digital sciences to prevent risks of musculoskeletal disorders in elite sports practice” by Benoit Bideau (University Rennes 2)
Panels (in English):
  • Computational methods for neurosciences & medical imaging
  • Internet of Things & Quantified Self

Location: Mairie du IIIe, 2 rue Eugène Spuller 75003 Paris (Map) – Room Brébion-Valla (4th floor)

Limited numbers of seats! Please register before June 2d on

For more details visit: