FASTLA (2012-2017) Fast and Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Computational Linear Algebra |
Principal Investigators :
- Dr. Olivier Coulaud, HIEPACS project-team, Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest
- Prof. Eric Darve, Stanford University
- Dr. X.S. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Research objectives:
Scientific achievements:
- Fast Multipole Method: The focus is on developing and on improving methods based on interpolation formulations (Chebyschev, equispaced points) and their efficiency and ease of use in the context of dislocation kernels.
- Sparse Linear Solvers: Study the use of low rank techniques (H-matrix like) to design fast direct and hybrid solvers able to compute data-sparse approximation of Schur complements.
- Improved parallelism for modern computers for heterogeneous manycores: Improvement of the parallel performance and scalability using hybrid parallelism and a task based programming model.
Publications and Awards:
- 9 Journal articles
- 12 Conference and Workshop papers.
Selected publication:
E. Agullo, B. Bramas, O. Coulaud, E. Darve, M. Messner, T. Takahashi, Taskbased FMM for Multicore Architectures, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. vol 36, num 1, 2014.
Follow up :
The team was renewed for 3 years in 2015 to pursue its collaboration along the aforementioned topics involving many PhD and post-docs in addition to the senior researchers of each group.