© Inria / Photo C. Morel
Inria is hiring experienced researchers for long visits – 12 months along over a five-year period. Come to develop or strengthen collaborations in your expertise fields/areas with Inria project-teams. You are welcome to check the application conditions.
Deadline for submission is September 30th, 2018.
Application Conditions
- Have your main professional activity outside France,
- Commit yourself to spend twelve months divided in at most five periods at Inria during the Chair holding period, the dates of the visits being decided with the leader(s) of the hosting project-team(s) according to a provisional schedule,
- Propose a work program related to the objectives of the hosting project-team(s),
During your visits at Inria, you will commit yourself to give seminars or lectures to a large audience and to mention Inria in any scientific production achieved at Inria.
Note that you will have to provide a written authorization of your main employer.
In delivering an Inria International Chair, Inria is committed to provide you a working environment at the level of international standards, to remunerate you.
How to apply ?
The application file must contain :
- A detailed curriculum vitae,
- A research project for the five years of the Chair, including perspectives for technological development and possibly transfer and a precise agenda for the visiting periods,
- A letter from the leader(s) of the hosting project-team(s).
Recommendation letters or references of international experts will be appreciated.
Your application file must be sent to the director(s) of the Inria Research Center(s) of the hosting project-team(s).
Recruitment process
Eligibility: Inria ensures that each applicant fulfills the conditions.
File selection: a selection committee reviews applicant files and gives a review on each application.
Acceptance results: the chairs are delivered by the Inria CEO for a 5 years period.
Information about the call: https://www.inria.fr/en/institute/recruitment/inria-international-chairs/presentation
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