On June 7, the “Collège de France” hosted a symposium organized by the France-Berkeley Fund during which Samitha Samaranayake and Maria Laura delle Monache received the “France-Berkeley-Fund Award for high-achieving younger researchers” for their work on the project “Optimal traffic flow with GPS enabled smartphones” (2012 FBF Grant).
Maria Laura took part in the optimal reroute strategies for traffic management Inria@SiliconValley associate team ORESTE (2012-2016) between Paola Goatin (Inria Sophia Antipolis) and Alex Bayen (UC Berkeley). In 2016, she joined the Inria NECS research team in Grenoble, also involved in an Inria@SiliconValley associate team with UC Berkeley on control and Forecasting in transportation networks: COMFORT (2014-2016).