DECIBEL (Since 2016) Discover, Express, Create – Interaction Technologies For Creative Collaboration
Principal Investigators:
- Wendy Mackay, ExSitu project team, Inria Saclay research center
- Bjoern Hartmann, CITRIS, UC Berkeley
Research objectives:
Members of the DeciBel team focused on three key research objectives:
- Research collaborations with artists who push the limits of interactive technology to offer new insights into the design of interactive systems that support creativity and innovation;
- Explorations of a new class of digital fabrication tools to support rapid, collaborative exploration of design spaces by combining both digital fabrication and tangible tools;
- Application of the theoretical concepts of substrates and instrumental interaction to the design and analysis of controlled experiments.
Scientific achievements:
- The Grande Vitrine de Noël, which explores a new form of human-computer partnership to increase engagement in public settings, was successfully deployed at three art+science events for 3 days (Fête de la Science), 4 days (Curiositas festival) and one month (Agora theater, Evry). A month-long workshop with dancers and musicians employed WiFi electrocardiographs developed at Berkeley and Inria to create novel forms of interactive performance, composition, and choreography with biosensors;
- ShapeMe embeds shape-aware printed electronic circuits into physical prototyping materials, allowing smooth transitions between early-stage physical prototyping and interactive 3d digital models;
- We applied the principles of instrumental interaction and substrates to the design, comparison and analysis of controlled laboratory experiments.
Publications and Awards:
- 4 publications (including one under review)
- Software: Real-Time ECG (RTECG):
- Award: La Grande Vitrine de Noël, Diagonale Paris-Saclay Art+Science project
Selected Publication:
Naccarato, T., & MacCallum, J. (2017) Critical Appropriations of Biosensors in Artistic Practice. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO), London, UK.