Author's posts

Focus on a joint research project: COMET

COMET (2011-2013) Computational methods for the analysis of high-dimensional data Principal Investigators : Dr. Steve Y. Oudot, GEOMETRICA project-team, Inria Saclay Ile de France Prof. Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University Prof. Yusu Wang, Ohio-State University Research objectives: COMET is an Associate Team between the GEOMETRICA group at Inria, the Geometric Computing group at Stanford University, and the …

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Inria highlights for the year 2015 on review!

2015 marked a busy year in the field of computational sciences with a lot of scientific rewards, new partnerships, researcher profiles and 30 years of business creation… Discover the events that set the tempo for the year 2015 of Inria by following the timeline!

Save the date: June 8-10th, 2016 – Inria@SiliconValley workshop: BIS’2016 in Paris!

BIS’2016 – The Inria@SiliconValley workshop with California partners The annual BIS workshop is part of the joint research program Inria@SiliconValley. It is co-organized by Inria and its partners in California.  The objectives of the workshop are to present the current status of ongoing scientific collaborations and to work on proposals for future ambitious joint projects. …

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IPSO Challenge 2015: 2 projects of the EVA research Team awarded!

Inria is very pleased to announce that the two projects proposed by the Inria EVA-Team were awarded during the IPSO Challenge 2015! HeadsUp! (http://www.headsup.tech/) won the IPSO CHALLENGE 2015 People’s Choice Award MicroPnP (http://www.micropnp.com/) was awarded the 3rd place of the IPSO CHALLENGE 2015 Congratulations! The “IP for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance” holds an annual …

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Inria in Paris for COP21

  The COP21 Solutions exhibition, that took place from 4 to 10 December 2015, attracted 42,000 visitors under the glass dome of the Grand Palais in Paris, to learn about real, accessible solutions for the development of a post-carbon world. Inria was one of the fifteen research organisations exhibiting together for the first time in …

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Focus on a joint research project: COALA

COALA (2010-2015) Communication optimal algorithms for linear algebra  Principal Investigators : Dr. Laura Grigori, ALPINES project-team, Inria ParisRocquencourt Prof. James Demmel, University of California Berkeley Research objectives: COALA focuses on the design and implementation of numerical algorithms for today’s large supercomputers formed by thousands of multicore processors, possibly with accelerators. COALA focuses on operations that are …

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Open calls for applications: Berkeley, Stanford & Chateaubriand

The Inria@SiliconValley team reminds you that 3 calls are currently open to enhance collaboration between Inria and California partners through collaborative projects and student/researcher mobility: France-Berkeley Fund – 2016 call for projects France-Stanford – 2016 call for Collaborative Projects, Fellowships ans Conferences STEM Chateaubriand 2016 Doctoral Fellowships View the list previous awarded collaborative projects involving …

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3 Inria speakers featured at the Algorithms for Human Robot Interaction Workshop (UC Berkeley)

The Algorithms for Human Robot Interaction Workshop took place last November 18th on UC Berkeley campus and brought together researchers interested in the computational aspects of enabling robots to interact with and learn from humans. The program featured 3 presentations of Inria teams researchers: Manuel Lopes (Flowers’ team, Inria Bordeaux), Jean Ponce (Willow team, ENS …

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Focus on a joint research project: CLOUDY

CLOUDY (2012-2014) Secure and private distributed storage and publication in the future internet Principal Investigators : Dr. Claude Castelluccia, PRIVATICS project-team, Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes Prof. Dawn Song, University of California Berkeley Prof. Gene Tsudik, University of California Irvine Research objectives: The customers of cloud applications benefit from outsourcing the management of their computing infrastructure …

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Interview: Chrisitine Azevedo Coste presents her collaboration with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of Stanford University awarded with a collaborative research grant from the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

Christine Azevedo Coste DEMAR Inria Project Team Christine Azevedo Coste is Dr.-Ing. research scientist at INRIA/LIRMM, Montpellier, France within the DEMAR Inria project-team. Christine got her PhD and “Habilitation à Diriger les recherches” in 2002 and 2014, respectively. Christine and Jessica Rose, Professor in the department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford University and director of …

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