Category: News

Workshop: Neuroimaging meta-analysis methods – 21-22 April 2015, Saclay, France.

A workshop  organized as part of the BrainPedia ANR project, the HBP flagship project and the MetaMRI associate team. Neuroimaging produces huge amounts of complex data that are used to better understand the relations between brain structure and various cognitive functions. In the long term, the results of this field will be used to better …

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Inria International Chairs: Call for applications

. Inria is hiring experienced researchers for long visits (12 months along five years), giving them the opportunity to develop or strengthen collaborations in their expertise fields/areas with Inria project-teams. Deadline for submission is September 15th, 2015. The number of available positions for 2016 will be determined early 2016. . . Eligibility : Have your main professional activity outside …

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Towards better means for democratic assembly and collective action: the AppCivist Project

Inria with CITRIS and its partners at University of California Berkeley have engaged into research collaboration on smart cities, leveraging their related initiatives in the area among which the CityLab@Inria Project Lab – under creation at Inria – and the CITRIS core initiatives on “Data and Democracy” and “Intelligent Infrastructure”. AppCivist is part of this …

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Inria International Chair: Interview with Mathieu Desbrun and Pierre Alliez

Inria is digitalizing our environment Display our world in three dimensions: that is the objective of the Titane team, directed by Pierre Alliez. For the next five years, Pierre will be working with Professor Mathieu Desbrun, the Head of the Information Sciences and Mathematics Department of Caltech (United States), within the framework of an Inria …

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NETVA 2015 Edition

The NETVA program is an initiative of the Consulates General of France in Boston and San Francisco and the Embassy of France in Washington to support French innovative startups in their search for opportunities in the United States and to help them understand the regulations and market of American technologies. NETVA allows young French innovative companies to …

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Focus on a Research Result: Learning from Neuroscience to Improve Internet Security

A research collaboration between Inria (Lead: Claude Castelluccia), Ruhr-University Bochum (Lead: Markus Duermuth), and University of California Berkeley (Lead: Fatma Imamoglu) that operates at the boundaries of Neuroscience and Internet Security with the goal of improving the security and usability of user authentication on the Internet. Most existing security systems are not user friendly and …

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Deborah Agarwal: Inria International Chair 2015

Deborah Agarwal, a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been awarded an international chair by the Inria Chairs Commitee for the period 2015-2019. Agarwal, head of Berkeley Lab’s Data Science and Technology Department, will join the MYRIADS team based in Inria Rennes during the first semester of 2015. The team is led by …

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Four new Associate Teams and two renewed Teams with Californian universities

 Inria is glad to announce the selection of 4 new Associate Teams with Californian universities (University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University) as part of the 2015 Inria Associated Team call. The four teams created in 2015 for 3 years. In addition, two teams that were created in 2012 (FASTLA and ORESTE) have been renewed for 3 …

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Inria@SiliconValley Post-Doctoral Fellowship Opportunity

In 2015, Inria offers 1 Post-Doc fellowship in the framework of the Inria@SiliconValley program. Dealine for application is March 15th, 2015. Postdoctoral grants are allocated in priority  to existing associate teams. Candidates interested in the projects currently supported by the collaboration program or projects under preparation for this program are welcome to submit their application to a …

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