Tag: Stanford

Third “Berkeley – Inria – Stanford Workshop” (BIS’2013)

The third workshop Berkeley-Inria-Stanford  (BIS’2013) will take place on Stanford’s campus from May 20 until May 22. It is co-organized by Inria, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley in partnership with CITRIS and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. BIS’2013 is part of the joint research program Inria@SiliconValley. The objectives of this workshop are to present …

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Inria, a gateway to Europe

“The fact that ICSTs are present in every business sector makes them a very promising field for the future. We need talented and creative researchers in this field, which goes to the very core of today’s most pressing social and human problems. Researchers are driving knowledge and innovation forward through working with scientists all over …

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Strengthening collaborations with Berkeley and Stanford

“Inria has strong connections with American and Canadian laboratories, because of their involvement, similar to Inria, in research and innovation. We are already involved in a large number of collaborations, but paradoxically they are still spread out. Our aim is therefore both to strengthen collaborations and to give them cohesion through a joint research program. …

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