Category: News

NETVA 2017: 2 Inria start-ups selected!

Supported by the scientific and technological services of the French embassies to the US and Canada, the NETVA programme (New Technology Venture Accelerator) helps young French businesses to find their feet across the Atlantic by introducing them to the contacts and resources they need to penetrate the North American market. In 2017, 107 young innovative …

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Inria International Chairs Call for applications: deadline is September 29th!

Inria is hiring experienced researchers for long visits – 12 months along five years. Come to develop or strengthen collaborations in your expertise fields/areas with Inria project-teams. You are welcome to check the application conditions. Deadline for submission is September 29th, 2017.   Application Conditions Have your main professional activity outside France, Commit yourself to …

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Associate Teams 2018 call: Deadline September 27th!

Inria’s European and International Partnerships Department (EIPD) launches the 2018 call for Inria Associate Teams.  An Associate Team is a joint research project created between an Inria project-team and a research team from abroad. The two partners jointly define a scientific objective with a clear added value for each of them, a research plan and …

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Focus on a joint research project: SNOWFLAKE

SNOWFLAKE (Since 2014)  Knowledge discovery from linked data and clinical notes*  *renewed since 2017 as SNOWBALL: Discovering knowledge on drug response variablity by mining electronic health records Principal Investigators:  Dr. Adrien Coulet, ORPAILLEUR project-team, Nancy Grand Est Dr. Nigam Shah, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University Research objectives: The aim of SNOWFLAKE is to study the …

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Coming up on June 8th: International Conference on Blockchain technologies for Cybersecurity & Social Impact

  This thursday, June 8th, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute will host the international conference on “Blockchain Technology for Cybersecurity & Social Impact” co-organized with Inria@SiliconValley #blockchainforgood New technologies often give rise to new digital practices that can both strengthen and erode trust, in networks and each other. The emerging system of blockchain technology offers …

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June 8-9, 2017 – Inria@SiliconValley workshop in Berkeley: Program and Registration now available!

BIS’2017 – The Inria@SiliconValley workshop with California partners ** Registration is now open until June 1st: GO TO BIS’2017 REGISTRATION** Please note that attending the workshop is free for Inria and affiliate participants but registration is mandatory! The annual BIS workshop is part of the joint research program Inria@SiliconValley. It is co-organized by Inria and …

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CITRIS-Inria APPCIVIST project wins “Chancellor’s award for public service” in collaboration with the city of Vallejo

The AppCivist project of the Social Apps Lab at CITRIS (Connected Communities Initiative) in partnership with Inria, has won the 2016-17 Chancellor’s Award for Public Service in the category of Campus-Community Partnership in collaboration with the City of Vallejo. All award recipients were honored at an awards ceremony and reception on May 2, 2017 in Krutch Theatre on the Clark Kerr campus …

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Matthieu Lê: 2016 GBM Thesis Award for his research with the Asclepios team

The French Society for Biomedical Engineering (SFGBM) has just given its 2016 Thesis Research Award to Matthieu Lê for his thesis written under the direction of Nicholas Ayache and Hervé Delingette of the Asclepios team at Inria’s Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée research centre. The Asclepios team is part of the Inria@SilivonValley associate team Geomstats with Stanford University. The …

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UNESCO-Inria partnership : Preservation and sharing of Software Heritage

On April 3rd, 2017, Inria and UNESCO pledged their commitment to the preservation of the software heritage by signing a partnership around the Software Heritage project. UNESCO and Inria signed an agreement at the Organization’s headquarters to contribute to the preservation of the technological and scientific knowledge contained in software. This includes promoting universal access to …

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Presenting Rajesh Gupta, Inria International Chair 2017

Inria, the French national institute for computer science and applied mathematics, has created a new International Chair and appointed American computer engineer Rajesh Gupta to the part-time position. Gupta is a professor and former chair of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department in the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San …

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