The meeting starts Thursday April 25 afternoon around 2pm and finishes Friday April 26 afternoon around 6pm.
Reception will be open Thusday April 25 at 1pm at the reception desk of IRISA laboratory.
The program in pdf format can be found here:
The slides of the presentations are given after the program.

Links to the presentations
- Philippe Schnoebelen Reasoning about subwords and subsequences
- Peter Hines On the order theory of transition systems
- Remi Morvan The Algebras for Automatic Relations
- Jérémie Marqus The Freyd-Schützenberger completion of a small category
- Mirna Džamonja On maximal order types of lexicographic product of wpos
- Theo Losekoot Verification of programs with ADTs using Shallow Horn Clauses
- Philipp Schlehuber ω-Regular Energy Problems
- Laure Daviaud Weighted automata: To be decidable, or not to be decidable, that is the question.
- Yahia Idriss Benalioua Minimization of Cost Register Automata over a Field
- Emily Clement Languages of Higher Dimensional Timed Automata
- Nguyễn L. Th.nh Dũng On regular languages of λ-terms
- Pierre Ohlmann Rank-decreasing transductions
- Alexandre Durand The exact state complexity for the composition of root and reversal
- Gabriel Bathie The complexity of testing regular languages
- Corto Mascle Proving hardness of LTL learning
- Denis Kuperberg Explorable automata
- Christophe Grandmont As Soon as Possible but Rationally
- Dylan Bellier Plan Logic
- Antonio Casares State-based vs transition-based acceptance for ω-automata