Author's posts

Call for US-France projects ANR-NSF (PIRE)

ANR has joined up with the American National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund French teams jointly selected by France and the US under the NSF’s Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) call for proposals. The multidisciplinary PIRE programme backs American researchers in their commitments to global collaborations whose scientific excellence enables the combined promotion …

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Outcome Report from the US-­Europe Invited Workshop on Next-Generation Internet of Things @USC

The USC Ming Hsieh Institute and Inria@SiliconValley organized a US­Europe Invited Workshop on Next­Generation Internet of Things at Los Angeles on March 31­April 1, 2016. The workshop was attended by about thirty leading researchers from academia, government labs, and industry from different US states and EU countries (France, Italy, Ireland, etc). Details of the workshop including the list …

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Interview: Chedy Raissi tells us about his experience at the Frontier Development Lab at NASA Ames and SETI Institute

Chedy Raissi received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Montpellier and the Ecole des Mines d’Alès in July 2008. He was part of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases Team (TaToo) in the Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectonics of Montpellier (LIRMM) where he worked on topics such as data streams and sequential pattern mining. Chedy also worked at …

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Focus on a joint research project: FASTLA

FASTLA (2012-2017) Fast and Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Computational Linear Algebra Principal Investigators : Dr. Olivier Coulaud, HIEPACS project-team, Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest Prof. Eric Darve, Stanford University Dr. X.S. Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Research objectives: FASTLA studies fast and scalable hierarchical numerical kernels and their implementations on heterogeneous manycore platforms for two major computational kernels …

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Associate Teams 2017 call: Deadline September 30th!

Inria’s European and International Partnerships Department (EIPD) launches the 2017 call for Inria Associate Teams.  An Associate Team is a joint research project created between an Inria project-team and a research team from abroad. The two partners jointly define a scientific objective with a clear added value for each of them, a research plan and …

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Pre-announcement : Call for France-US projects planned for late July (ANR-NSF)

The ANR partners with the NSF (National Science Foundation) in the US to fund French research teams selected by both countries in the framework of the call for projects “PIRE” (Partnerships for International Research and Education) of the NSF. The ANR should launch a call for projects dedicated to this collaboration in late July.  . …

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Inria@SiliconValley Post-Doc: George Koulieris presents his work

George Alex Koulieris received his PhD from the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece in Computer Graphics and Perception. George’s PhD work focused on human gaze prediction that is based on semantic features of the rendered scene (inter-objects relationships and general context). The novel gaze prediction algorithms developed …

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Takeaways from the Smart City TechMeeting organized in San Francisco

Source: https://www.chooseparisregion.org/ On May 26, the Open Innovation Club convened a TechMeeting on Smart City. The event kicked off with a panel discussion moderated by Gordon Feller, Founder of the non-profit Meeting of the Minds and consultant at Cisco Systems, and featuring Paul Campbell, VP Innovation at Schneider Electric, Valerie Issarny, Senior Researcher at Inria …

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Focus on a joint research project: DALHIS

DALHIS (Since 2013) Data analysis on large-scale heterogeneous infrastructures for science Principal Investigators : Dr. Christine Morin, MYRIADS project-team, Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique Dr. Deb Agarwal, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley Research objectives: DALHIS is creating a software ecosystem to facilitate seamless data analysis across desktops, HPC and cloud environments. The …

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Inria@SiliconValley workshop (BIS’2016) in a nutshell

The 6th annual Inria@SiliconValley workshop, BIS’2016, took place on June 8-10th, 2016 in Paris. The workshop gathered more than 100 participants over the three-day event organized around keynote speeches, working sessions and an open conference. On day one, 3 ongoing collaborations within Inria@SiliconValley were featured through keynotes: Carlos Canuda de Witt, CNRS, Inria NeCS and …

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