The role of area chairs

No one in the IFS community is knowledgeable in all the areas covered by the scope of the workshop. This new edition of WIFS introduces the role of areas chairs, which is common in many conferences, to cope with this large diversity of topics.

The Technical Program Chairs will be supported in their tasks by a handful of area chairs. They are world-renowned researchers with high visibility in their own community. Their role will be instrumental to attract quality submissions. As such, these area chairs are expected to be able to help regarding the following aspects:

  • To promote the workshop within their own networks of colleagues, conferences, research labs and industrial collaborators
  • To look for qualified reviewers in topics not sufficiently represented in former TPC
  • To animate the discussion phase
  • To assist the Program Chairs in making decisions (different communities in Information Security may have different ways to score papers)

The TPC Chairs will delegate some of the reviewing duties to the Area Chairs. Each Area chair will be in charge of manuscripts for which they will assign reviewers, animate the discussion phase, and provide tentative decisions. The rationale is to leverage on the expertise of these area chairs to have final decisions that go beyond a simple average of the reviewing scores.

We are very glad to introduce you the first area chairs of IEEE WIFS!

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