Friday 8th December: National cluster workshop

As a follow-up of IEEE WIFS, the national cluster GdR-ISIS is organising a workshop in the same venue as WIFS.

Everybody is welcomed. Speech will be in english, there is no registration fees. You need to register here

The program:

9h30 : accueil café
10h : introduction
10h15 : Slava Voloshynovskiy – Digital security for physical world
11h30 : Iuliia Tkachenko – Challenges of hybrid document integrity check
12h : buffet
13h30 : Rémi Gribonval – Compressive statistical learning: a framework for large-scale and privacy-aware learning ?
14h30 : Damien Ligier – Information leakage analysis of inner-product functional encryption based data classification
15h : Julien Lolive – Databases: digital watermarking/fingerprinting and privacy
15h30 : Joris Duguépéroux – Guaranteed Confidentiality and Efficiency in Crowdsourcing Platforms (Ongoing Work)
15h50 : pause café
16h10 : Guillaume Gautier – Design and Efficient Implementations of a Chaos-based stream cipher for Securing Internet of Things (Ongoing Work)
16h30 : discussion autour de l’activité de l’action “Sécurité et données mulitmédia” commune aux GDR ISIS et préGDR Sécurité
17h30 : fin de la réunion

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