Secondment from Optimad to Inria

The purpose of the secondment (June 2022) is to collaborate with Inria Bordeaux personnel in order to provide research that increment an ongoing project. The project is about model order reduction (MOR). In detail, the purpose of the project is to develop a nonlinear interpolation technique based on mapping of…

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Secondment from Seville University to Virginia Tech

B.Koc from University of Seville had a secondment with Virginia Tech for 1,5 months. The purpose of the secondment was to build a consistent data-driven approach, residual-based data-driven, reduced-order model (R-D2-VMS-ROM) for the parameter-dependent convection-diffusion problem as well as to to show that the R-D2-VMS-ROM is more consistent and accurate…

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Secondment from University of Seville to Valorem

T.Chacón from University of Seville has completed a secondment at Valorem in Bordeaux in April 2022. The purpose of the secondment is to analyse the available data for Valorem’s test case (airflow past a wind turbine) and develop  Kolmogorov’s turbulence theory-based a posteriori error estimation for LES,models of turbulent fluids…

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Workshop on Industry and Medicine

The workshop aims at tightening the link between fundamental research on Model Reduction and clinical and industrial applications. Topics of the presentations will include reduced basis methods for parameterized systems, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, nonlinear compression methods, data assimilation and geometry inference methods.

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ARIA Seminar March 2022

Introduction This third seminar of ARIA project will be on  the topic of numerical modeling of Aortic Abdominal Aneurysms. There will be talks by ARIA scientists and invited experts in the domain accompanied by open discussions. The seminar will be organized in the afternoon of Thursday 10 March 2022 Registration…

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ARIA Seminar September 2021

Introduction The second seminar of ARIA project is planned to bring you ideas on one of the projects’ test cases, Ahmed Body by Volkswagen. There will be talks by ARIA scientists and invited experts in the domain accompanied by open discussions. The seminar will be organized in the afternoon of…

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