
If you wish to download pisa, fill out the form below and you will receive an email with the download link.


License info

You can read the full license information here.

Pisa is free for academic and non-commercial use.

If you want to use pisa in commercial or industrial context, contact us.

When using pisa for your research, cite the following papers:

A. Cooman, F. Seyfert, M. Olivi, S. Chevillard, and L. Baratchart, “Model-free closed-loop stability analysis: a linear functional approach” IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 73-80, 2018.

A. Cooman, F. Seyfert, and S. Amari, “Estimating unstable poles in simulations of microwave circuits” in 2018 ieee mtt-s international microwave symposium (ims), 2018.


You will need Matlab 2017a or higher to run the code. The code has been tested on Matlab 2017a and 2018a.

Install instructions

Extract the archive somewhere on your computer and add the folder and subfolders to the matlab path.
You can test whether pisa works by running the matlab script in the pisa/examples/example_project.m

Download example code and workspace

Click here to download the ADS workspace with all the examples and the matlab code to run pisa.

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